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WHY 365mc liposuction 2

Even difficult cases success

There are many customers who came to 365mc after being referred to them by other hospitals. For a variety of reasons, such as excessive sagging, unevenness, or pitting, This is because liposuction surgery is difficult and requires high-level surgery in many cases. 365mc does not insist on easy surgery. Even in difficult cases that even doctors shy away from, we strive to satisfy you with in-depth and detailed know-how based on cases where we have focused solely on liposuction surgery. This is the stubbornness of the hospital, which has only treated obesity and performed ‘liposuction’ surgery for 20 years, and is the driving force that can lead even difficult cases to surgery with good results.

Start your journey to becoming slimmer

do not be surprised. Liposuction at 365mc Hospital does not end with surgery alone. Various post-operative care is required to achieve rapid recovery and good results after liposuction. At 365mc Hospital, it is not optional, but mandatory. For about 6 weeks after surgery, a dedicated satisfaction team provides various programs. We manage it carefully and achieve the body line that many customers have actually aimed for. You are satisfied with the improvement. Liposuction that combines 365mc Hospital’s 20 years of obesity treatment know-how Start your journey to a beautiful body.

Liposuction 3 major customer verification systems

To protect the customer’s right to know, 365mc does not disclose information about the surgery and surgeon the customer receives. We are implementing the ‘Liposuction Customer Verification System’ to ensure that you receive transparent medical information. Operating room guardian observation system, surgeon’s condition verification system, surgery and outpatient schedule disclosure system

Consultation inquiry

If you have any questions about Liposuction korea, ask 365mc Hospital. We will consult with you more easily and quickly.

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