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Achieve Your Ideal Body Line with Precision Liposuction at 365mc

Special Liposuction

[HERPAGORI] Fat Graft to Hip

Dramatic Line

It’s my body, and I change it to what I want to!
Become who you want starting from today.

365mc presents a program for those who want to have a dramatic body line.
The fat from the waist is removed with the liposuction,
And transplanted to the hip to make it look glamorous.

Meet trendy body line with 3D line design and accurate surgery for each body shape!

How to [HERPAGORI] Fat Graft to Hip



The fat is removed from waist
By 365mc specialized liposuction

Body line looks much prettier when the waist is slim.
Upper abdomen, lower abdomen, sides and love handles are included

The lines are designed to match you 360° from waist to back, and the fat is removed with liposuction.



The fat is transplanted to the pelvis
To make the volume so you won’t regret just extracting the fat!

Instead of plain line, the hip volume is UP!

The glamorous and feminine hip line is made possible with fat transplantation to the pelvis.

Liposuction and fat transplantation at one time!


Real 365mc Hospital example
8 weeks after HERPAGORI

360° all beauty

My whole body has to be beautiful, up to my back which others see more than me!

Line itself is the outfit!
This is the HERPAGORI line.

Real 365mc Hospital example
8 weeks after HERPAGORI

Face Liposuction

1 HOUR IS OK Short surgery time

ZERO STITCHES Easy management

No damage to bones PERMANENT FAT REMOVAL

Before & After

The difference of a millimeter,

A skilled practitioner who knows beauty

Can a simple subtraction create a V-line?
On the face, 1 millimeter can make all the difference.
With 16 years of experience, medical staff in plastic surgery will create a customized V-line for your face shape.



Sure results, Complete safety

365mc Hospital is a hospital that holds the record for the largest number of liposuction operations in Korea. Our specialists produce the best outcome through ample experience in their parts of specialization. Our three hospitals located in Seoul, Busan, and Daejeon perform over 1,000 liposuctions a month. We also operate the Liposuction Revision Center for improving and handling postsurgery problems including line imbalance and under-correction.

Three rules of liposuction revision



“Revision may produce less dramatic changes compared to the first surgery. Revision does, however, improve and correct errors from the first surgery. 365mc Hospital’s liposuction revision accurately identifies and diagnoses the patient’s condition, and provides honest feedback to customers on which parts can and cannot be improved. We then do our best to perform a successful surgery.”

Lee Seon-hoㅣChairmanㅣ15,000MC*

Global 365mc Hospital Chief of Representative Hospital / Director of Regional Inhalation High Level Re-surgical Center

*The 15000MC (Master's Club) has a record of more than 15,000 liposuction cases and is a very small class worldwide.



“Most unsuccessful liposuctions either fail to adhere to the basic principles or do not take into consideration the different body types. An anesthesiologist accompanies 365mc Hospital’s liposuction revision. We also adhere to the principles of surgery based on the delicate line correction knowledge of the revision surgeon to determine the most appropriate revision method and perform a transparent surgery.”

Park Yun-chanㅣHead Directorㅣ10,000MC*

The author of the book, "All About Re-surgery of Local Inhalation," which is a book devoted to re-surgery of liposuction

*The 10000MC (Master's Club) has a record of more than 10,000 liposuction cases and is a very small class worldwide.



“Liposuction revision is a very difficult surgery. Even if you check the patient’s condition beforehand and plan accordingly, unexpected situations will still likely occur. Our operation team has the knowledge and experience to adequately and quickly respond to such situations to provide a safe and successful surgery.”

Ahn Jea-hyeonㅣDirectorㅣ10,000MC*

Re-surgery of Liposuction by the Korean Association of Liposuction / Lived Surge Demonstration Instructor

*The 10000MC (Master's Club) has a record of more than 10,000 liposuction cases and is a very small class worldwide.

What is special about 365mc’s liposuction revision?


Korea Record Institute–certified hospital with the largest number of liposuction operations in Korea

The Korea Record Institute certified 365mc Hospital as the hospital with the largest number of liposuction operations in Korea. Therefore, we have a large database of liposuction cases. As liposuction revision is much more difficult than the first surgery, it is best to go to a hospital that has enough revision experience as well as optimized processes and system.


First time in Korea! Published “A–Z of Liposuction Revision”

365mc Hospital is the first in Korea to publish a liposuction revision book called “A–Z of Liposuction Revision” based on accumulated knowledge for different constitutions and cases. The book contains information on actual revision surgeries and success cases to deliver accurate information and protect customers from inaccurate revision surgery information via online communities or random search.


“Liposuction Revision Center” dedicated to revision surgery

This is an independent space for revision surgery customers who chose 365mc Hospital because they were dissatisfied with the liposuction that they received from another hospital or developed side effects. Receive one-to-one consultation and surgery at the 660 m2 Liposuction Revision Center equipped with an outstanding revision surgery facility.

Customized revision solution

커스터마이징 솔루션

Case1. Bumpy Surgical Area


The surface of the surgical site may become bumpy because of uneven fat removal.


Smooth correction is possible by removing fat from protruding areas and grafting fat from recessing areas via joint treatment.

커스터마이징 솔루션

Case2. Correction of depression because of overcorrection


Partial depression because of overcorrection in areas that should have some fat left because the plan was wrong or the line was not properly checked.


Correct by grafting fat in depressed areas to revive the line and removing fat from around the depressed area to smoothen out the skin.

커스터마이징 솔루션

Case3. Improvement of unsatisfactory results because of under-correction


Fat remains after liposuction or the line is unsatisfactory.


Remove more fat and revive the line for highly satisfying results comparable to your first surgery.

커스터마이징 솔루션

Case4. Line asymmetry correction


The line is asymmetrical because of under-correction or overcorrection.


For under-correction, remove more fat to revive the line. For overcorrection, graft fat to correct the line.

커스터마이징 솔루션

Case5. Banana fold correction


Banana folds, which are formed because of excessive fat, can be corrected through liposuction. Overcorrection, however, can also create banana folds.


Graft fat around the hipline for the correction and removal of banana folds.

Success Reviews

Customer Shin ***** Wok

“I wholeheartedly recommend this operation if you want to look good in a dress shirt!”

I often wear dress pants and shirts, and the love handles and fat around the belly was causing me grief. After liposuction, I am confident enough to tuck in my shirt.

Customer Joo **** Han

“Men, be brave and remove fat!”

My older sister recommended 365mc. At first, I thought I needed treatment but not surgery. Being a man, I was also a bit more hesitant, but the hospital had a men’s recovery room and male helpers, which made me quite comfortable.

Customer Kang ***** Kyeong

“Goodbye to belly fat!”

I was once pessimistic about liposuction. I signed up for a personal training course worth thousands of dollars, but the belly fat would not go away. After liposuction, I was finally able to say goodbye to my tiresome fat. I still remember how happy I was when the meat around my midsection was finally gone.

Customer Lee ***** Jae

“Looking forward to the summer!”

I visited 365mc because I could not get rid of gynecomastia by working out alone. The surgery was successful, and now, I am living a very satisfying life. I plan to hit the pool or the beach in summer shirtless!