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ABOUT 365mc


Total Number of Fat Reduction Treatment Cases


(All 365mc branches as of September 30, 2024)

Towards 10 million cases!

21 years in obesity treatment only, 365mc continues to accept new challanges

Exterior of 365MC Clinic featuring a large mural of the clinic's mascot, symbolizing the clinic's focus on body contouring and liposuction

01 Why are there no hospitals dedicated to the obesity?

    This question led to the birth of the today's 365mc.

    The persistent journey to treat obesity only for the past 21 years is blooming with the trust and support from many customers.

  • More than 6 million obesity treatment cases
  • More than 30 thousand liposuction surgeries performed each year
  • More than 300 thousand reviews by the customers
  • Network of 21 clinics in South Korea
  • Officially certified as the South Korea's largest liposuction hospital by the Korea Record Institute
  • Published specialized books on LAMS (Local Anesthetic Minimal Invasive Liposuction), liposuction and revision liposuction based on years of experience and knowledge
  • Won the Minister of Health and Welfare Award 7 times

  • 365mc has taken another step here with the largest 'Jibang-i Tower' construction and the opening of the 'Global 365mc Hospital'... More than 670 employees of 365mc network in South Korea have been focusing on obesity, so we are confident in 365mc advanced obesity treatment. We will do our best to return the confidence to you too!

02 Is there a better treatment for obesity?

Books and publications on liposuction and body contouring authored by experts at 365MC Clinic, showcasing the clinic's knowledge and expertise

    September 12, 2017
    365mc and Microsoft opened the history of 'Artificial Intelligence Liposuction'.
    365mc is pioneering a new field of 'Artificial Intelligence' in liposuction surgery. How was it made possible?

    We can say with confidence that this was made possible because 365mc has chosen to focus only on obesity, and is not satisfied with the status quo, constantly changing and accepting challenges.

  • Selected as the Asian Fat Congress host hospital and conducted a live liposuction surgery
  • Conducts domestic and international academic research activities, including the establishment of an obesity research center
  • Held an International Conference on Obesity Medicine
  • Applied for Patents on Liposuction and Obesity Surgery
Display of awards and plaques at 365MC Clinic, recognizing the achievements and expertise of its medical professionals
  • Developed an independent new concept obesity treatment called LAMS (Local Anesthetic Minimal Invasive Liposuction) and Infinite LAMS, introduced it to the AAAM for three consecutive years and gave a guest lecture on the Infinite LAMS to the AACS!
  • With the Artificial Intelligence Liposuction innovation
    Korean medical community was invited to the Microsoft Inspire Conference (Las Vegas) for the first time
    365mc was selected as the Microsoft's 'Asia's Representative AI Innovation Case'
    and awarded by the Minister of Health and Welfare!

  • Today we prepare for the future where 365mc will become the standard for obesity treatment worldwide so that our knowledge and medicine can erase your worries and pave the way for better obesity treatment tomorrow.

Team of surgeons performing a liposuction procedure in an operating room at 365MC Clinic, demonstrating expertise and precision

03 It there a more effective treatment for obesity?

Surgical team in an operating room performing a procedure at 365MC Clinic, highlighting their expertise in liposuction and body contouring

    Is the role of the hospital over just by finishing the surgery or medical procedure? 365mc definitely says 'No'. Just as people of the same height and weight have different body composition, obesity treatment should be accompanied by post-care based on accurate diagnosis and examination to increase the effectiveness of the surgery.
    In addition, obesity is different from other plastic surgery and beauty treatments, so all processes should be reviewed and carried out from a professional perspective on obesity treatment, so that the effect can be maintained and increased further after the surgery or medical procedure.

  • Accurate Obesity Diagnosis System using 3D, ultrasound, etc.
  • Dedicated Meal Diary and My Home Chart
  • Dietary Nutrition Counseling Center for surgical customers and individual dietary prescriptions
  • Liposuction Surgery Postoperative Program
  • The world's first application for liposuction surgery postoperative care
  • Introduction and implementation of the Anesthesiologists Real-Name Check System for the first time
  • 24/7 Customer Information Center AI Mobile Chatbot

  • 365mc provides a comprehensive specialized obesity medical service from surgical treatment to diet and behavior modification therapy.
    From the first meeting with the customer to the home care that begins as you leave the hospital... We see it as the whole 'obesity treatment' process.

04 365mc sets the obesity treatment global standards for the future

Group photo of participants at the 365MC Global Conference on the M.A.I.L System, focusing on the future of liposuction

    Many people are asking:
    "Do obesity treatment hospitals, which do not treat severe illnesses, need to have as high standards as 365mc?"

    365mc's aim is not just becoming the leading hospital for obesity treatment in Korea or Asia.
    This is because borders are meaningless for the 'better obesity treatment', and innovations have to be continuously made.

    365mc believes that this step is impossible without a process of self-denial and innovations to become a better 365mc tomorrow. Rather than one-stop treatment, we are considering more subdivided and focused obesity treatment, so that we can increase satisfaction. As a result, we have implemented more professional anesthesia and safety management, as well as the main principle of customer satisfaction that 'the customer is always right'.

    We believe that the core of obesity treatment is beyond changing the body shape, the core is to provide a happy turning point to change each customer's life and make the world a better place.

    365mc will continue to accept challenges of obesity treatment global innovations with Big Data-based AI, for global standards beyond Korea to set people free from obesity in the future.

Seoul 365mc Hospital buildings with bright blue sky.

Seoul 365mc Hospital

Medical Procedure : Liposuction, LAMS

  • Meets the standard of medical university hospital surgery centers in Korea
  • Awarded the first Ministry of Health and Welfare certification for the cosmetic surgery and beauty treatment medical clinic.


365MC Clinic's tall glass building in South Korea, representing the clinic's expertise in weight management and liposuction
The entrance of a modern building with a large gold seal displayed on a blue panel, alongside glass windows and company branding above the doorway.



+ Lobby


+ Operating room


+ Recovery room


+ Consultation room


+ Examination center



+ 3d photographing machine


+ Ultrasonic equipment


+ Mechanical chamber


+ Defibrillator


+ Sterile air-shower system


+ Noncontact opening and closing